A group for youth (the young at heart) to share their understanding, thoughts, and experiences. The group currently includes those that have been introduced to "Jeevan Vidya" and/or SIDH (Society for Integrated Development of Himalayas).

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Myself and some others are planning a summer program for young NRI's (ages 18-24). The following is the "Concept Document". There are definitely many opportunities to get involved (could be paid), including:
- Website design
- Helping to put together a reader
- Selecting relative films
- Finances/Accounts
- Coordinator for the entire 6-week program - 1 batch or both batches (be with the group for the entire time)
- Logistical planning in India - travel, lodging, food, first-aid, emergency planning, cost estimation, etc.
- Planning specific exposures/interactions/experiences in India

India Summer Program Inspiring Reflective Exploration
InSPIRE is a 6-week long immersion program that reconnects young Indians from abroad to India. The goal is for the participants to re-evaluate their aspirations as they explore and challenge their assumptions about themselves and their relationship with the world around them.
Looking deeper at India. Looking deeper at your Self.
And the interrelatedness of the world.

The program will be launched at the end of May 2007. In the first year, there will be two different batches with 20 to 30 participants in each batch. The prospective dates are: 26th May to 8th July, and 7th August to 19th September. The participants will be between the ages of 18 and 24.

Over the past years, there seems to be a growing trend for Indian youth abroad to want to come back to India for various reasons. Some want to give back to their ‘motherland’. Others want to understand what it means to be “Indian”. There are those that want to explore spirituality, and those that want to tour the land and travel. Whatever the reason, many young Indians abroad seem to have the desire to come to India.

In the United States and countries of the “West”, NRIs’ understanding of India usually comes from what’s in the news and from the perspectives of their families. Many other perspectives that are closer to the ground reality are often missed.

In the “West” and in Indian city life today we are often unaware of what goes into producing the goods and services that we consume, and shielded from the consequences of our actions. All we know is what happens at the point of consumption, not aware of the before or after.

College students are at the period of life when they are deciding what their next step will be – career, post-graduation, social work, etc. Many times they feel that their options are limited.

We’d like to create a space and open up avenues to help figure out what to do with our lives and why. This experience would enable us to explore what it means to be Indian by seeing India through a different lens and engaging in mutual learning and sharing process with various communities/NGOs in India. Through these experiences, we hope that participants will be able to recognize and re-discover one’s relationship with India. As we explore and understand our aspirations and our interrelatedness we anticipate a sense of personal responsibility being developed that eventually leads to a global consciousness. This program also aims at building a fluid network of young Indians to continually share ideas, visions and thoughts leading to inspiration, exploration of aspirations and Self-understanding, which will lead towards positive collective action.

Exploration -> Understanding -> Integrity and Personal Responsibility -> Global Consciousness and Productive, Collective Action

We are going to attempt to realize our vision through a process of self-exploration. This exploration will be instigated by exposures, sessions, examination of various issues in India from multiple perspectives, readings, films, dialogues and activities that develop personal responsibility. At each “site”, we will also figure out ways to add something of value back to the organization, cause, and/or community.

Delhi: 4 days
Introductions of participants, and of the program. Orientation. Expectations. Cultural context. Interacting with college counterparts and various connected movements. Looking at social, environmental, developmental and other urban concerns and inspirational work by people within their own communities.
Doing this through:
- Manzil
- Yamuna Walk
- Beyond Borders, Pravah, etc.
- Hazard Centre

Coca-Cola Factory, Benares: 5 days
Exploring interrelatedness of major corporations, economic globalization, environmental issues, social issues, local and indigenous lifestyle and one’s aspirations in the US and in India
- Interactions with those involved in the protest, villagers affected by the factory, and people from the factory to represent the Coca-Cola viewpoint.

Narmada Dam, MP, NBA: 7 days
Looking at multiple perspectives of development
- Specifically at development of dams
- Effect on indigenous population
- Benefits of dams: irrigation and power

Manav Sadhna, Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad: 7 days
Experiencing the ‘spirit’ of service being lived and feeling the power of relationships, love and positive thought. Becoming inspired
- Discussions
- Doing service work
- Meeting other NRI’s who are involved with work in India.

SIDH: 14 days
Interactive sessions about decolonisation and Gandhi; exploration of the Self, the other, society, nature and the inter-relations of each; supplementing this through learning from exposure to village life; re-looking at the purpose of education; introduction to Yoga and meditation; exploring our own sense of responsibility and contribution through regular productive work; tuning into our senses through activities such as rafting and trekking in nature.

Understanding the importance of being aware of what you’re consuming, where it comes from, what it does – to you and others. Exploring the connectedness and range of impact of our lives. Looking anew at our concepts of development and our aspirations.

Bija Vidhyapeeth: 3 days
Looking into farming issues in India
- Workshop on the Green Revolution, BT Cotton, farmer suicides, use of pesticides and fertilizers, possibilities of organic farming and it’s benefits, environmentally sustainable living
- discussion – where does our food actually come from? what does it contain?
- Participation in organic farming; trainings, such as compost making, gardening, etc.

Delhi: 2 days
- Evaluation, feedback

Contact Us
If you want more information, have ideas, or would like to join us, please contact us.
Email: Raj - rkanani@gmail.com, Asha - ashabpatel@gmail.com
Phone: Chaiti - 09873977582


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